사업명 | 네팔 개량된 취사기구를 통한 만성폐쇄성폐질환 예방사업 평가연구 프로젝트 |
사업분류 |
기간 | 2018-01-01 ~ 2018-12-31 |
장소 | 네팔 |
사업내용 | 1. Background: Three-quarters of Nepal's rural population still depend on and use biomass as a significant energy source for cooking and heating. In the mountainous region of Nepal, Kitchen and bedrooms are not separated from each other; therefore, cooking is done in the same space which affects respiratory and eye health. According to the World Health Organization(WHO) and the Global Burden of Disease (GBD), the disability adjusted life year (DALY), the respiratory disease burden of Nepal is higher in women. In such environment, improved cooking stove (ICS) is well-known as a practical solution to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs) Contributing SDG for health (3) and energy (7). 2. Objective: The goals of this project are as follows: 1) the improvement of indoor air pollution, 2) the reduction of respiratory and eye disease symptoms, and 3) impact on socioeconomic status 3. Target: In accordance with the opinions of local researchers in Nepal, the target subject of this project is residents of Manekharka, Nepal. One ward consists of up to 3-4 villages and has approximately 1000 households. 4. Project progress: In order to evaluate the effect of ICS installation, we randomly selected 120 households through the methods of clustered stratified randomization. Before the ICS installation, we conducted survey and interviews for both the control and experimental groups to establish the baseline data. 5. Future plans: Six months after the baseline survey and interview, the post survey and interview will be conducted in two groups, and ICS will be installed in the control group. |
해시태그 |
#Chronic disease management and prevention
#Environmental health sciences
#Implementation of health education strategies
#interventions and programsappropriate technology
참여인원 |
참여기관 |