빗물 식수화의 사회적 인식 개선: 베트남 톤 둑 탕 대학교를 대상으로

2018-08-01 ~ 2018-08-31

해외활동 > [동남아시아]

사업 소개

사업명 빗물 식수화의 사회적 인식 개선: 베트남 톤 둑 탕 대학교를 대상으로
지역사회 개발
기간 2018-08-01 ~ 2018-08-31
장소 베트남
사업내용 In August 2018, a well-designed “rainwater for drinking” (RFD) project was successfully promoted and implemented at Ton Duc Thang University in Vietnam. From a social perspective, the university provides an appropriate case study for the promotion of RFD through the “Rainwater Teacher and Students (BiTS)” group. Public acceptance and success of the RFD project at TDTU can be widely transferred to other communities and cities, since many stakeholders were involved in the RFD project. This project suggests the promising potential of promotion and replication of RFD to achieve resilient and sustainable drinking water supplies in urban areas in developing countries facing water shortages and should be promoted as an important means to achieve SDG6.
#Bits group
#rainwater for drinking
#rainwater promotion
#social aspect
Bui Thi Thuy
