사업명 | 베트남 식수 보급을 위한 빗물 집수: 교육 프로그램 |
사업분류 |
지역사회 개발
기간 | 2019-01-01 ~ 2019-12-31 |
장소 | 베트남 |
사업내용 | Several innovative education strategies have been applied during implementation of the community-based RFD systems. Through these projects, a group named BiTS (Rainwater Teachers and Students) that gathers experts on RWH and related maintainers was created. Through the BiTS group, students were trained and involved in all stages of the project including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance. The involvement of local residents and students can be considered implicit capacity building and technology transfer that will result in a good working knowledge of RWH. This can be a good point of origin for further promotion and education of RWH. Students trained in the common practices of RWH can hopefully become experts and active members of their city and transfer their knowledge. |
해시태그 |
#drinking water
#rainwater harvesting
#rainwater promotion
#training program
참여인원 |