필리핀 카비테주 실랑 내 청소년 건강증진 사업

2019-01-01 ~ 2019-12-31

해외활동 > [동남아시아]

사업 소개

사업명 필리핀 카비테주 실랑 내 청소년 건강증진 사업
기간 2019-01-01 ~ 2019-12-31
장소 필리핀
사업내용 1. Background
Sisters of Mary School in Silang, Cavite, Philippines is a home to 5,000 students from low-income families in the province. Since most of the spaces they use at school, including dormitories, are shared with others, the students are very vulnerable to infectious diseases. Not only do they take in new diseases at school, but they also pass on the contagious diseases they have developed while vising home for holiday.

Since the students only get a couple of weeks of holiday, they would stay at school for most of their academic year. The medical staff designated at school is far less than enough to take care of 5,000 students plus local residents who comes for medical help. Thus, health checkup of the prospective and returning students is crucial to maintain the quality of health levels at school. Most of the contagious diseases that students suffer from are namely bedbugs or scabies, and other hygiene-related diseases. Treating them is one thing, but more important aspect would be educating the students so they can manage their own hygiene levels.

Seoul National University College of Medicine has operated a group of volunteers, named ‘CaSA’ and had them visit Philippines for such work for almost 7 years. The medical mission volunteers consist of students at medical school as well as working professors and doctors who volunteer for the project. Medical school students were mainly responsible for pre-screening and the doctors from different departments took part in diagnosing and treating the patients.

The program aims to treat the patients and educate the students on personal hygiene, to have a healthy school life. Sisters of Mary School is a specialized school providing the students from low-income families with vocational educations, eventually to foster them as a member of the society who can contribute to the family economy, ultimately to improve the financial status. The CaSA medical mission is purposed to aid in such life-long plans of students by playing a part in maintaining the students’ health.

2. Cooperating organizations (2019)
CaSA, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Raphael International, JW Lee Center for Global Medicine

3. Activities
1) Diagnosis
Every one of students at grade 7 were screened for any health problems. Those who display some possibilities are taken to infirmary to be diagnosed by doctors from Korea. They are classified into departments including: internal medicine, neurosurgery, ear-nose-and-throat (ENT, otolaryngology), dermatology, or cardiovascular. Those who need to be treated followed the appropriate procedures, and are mostly prescribed the required medicine. In the 2019 project, a total of 1,146 students are pre-screened. The number of students diagnosed in each department are as follows.

Department/Activity Total number of students
Pre-screening 1,146
IM 614
ENT 369
Derma 423
Cardiovascular 16
Total 2568

2) Education on Personal Hygiene
In addition to treating the individual students, the medical school students have designed and delivered educational sessions on personal hygiene. The topics encompass brushing teeth, washing hands, as well as menstrual cycle for girls. The sessions were conducted for 2,000 students at school, in their first grades.

3) Research Activities
Interviews with the school staff and the Korean staff have been organized to gain more insight into the program. Specifically, the principals of girls’ and boys’ town, sisters in charge of supervising the students, pediatrician doctor and other medical staff working part-time at the infirmary are interviewed. These provide valuable feedback on the program as well as more recommendations and implications for future projects.
#school-based health program
#casa medical mission
#health education

