사업명 | 이종욱글로벌의학센터 국제보건의학교육 인턴십 프로그램 |
사업분류 |
기간 | 2021-01-01 ~ 2021-08-31 |
장소 | 학내 |
사업내용 | 1. Background: Jw lee center for global medicine educational internship program provides students to develop their global health experience by learning from global health manager and field visits. 2. Objective: During the course of the internship, the student will become more familiar with the key issues and actors in global health. 3. future plans: JW LEE center for global medicine will strengthen the followings: - field trips and learning - mentoring program with global health managers - develop country analysis, design a project, plan stakeholder analysis |
해시태그 |
#Global medicine internship program
#global health
#educational program
참여인원 |
참여기관 |