사업명 | 서울의대 이종욱 글로벌의학센터 의대생 국제보건교육 커리큘럼 개발 및 적용 |
사업분류 |
기간 | 2014-01-01 ~ 2014-12-31 |
장소 | 학내 |
사업내용 | 1. Background / Objectives As the world becomes increasingly globalized and Korean ODA(Official Development Assistance) is becoming more developed, the Global Health field, which is one of the largest sectors of ODA, became more significant recently. In line with the excellent health care system of Korea, it is crucial to have qualified professionals of global health in Korea and play an active role in the field of global health. The JW Lee Center has introduced a course on global health in the curriculum of Seoul National University, College of Medicine since 2014 to educate medical student about global health. The purpose of this Project on the Development of the Curriculum for Global Health is to provide educational opportunities for medical students who are interested in global health by opening both compulsory and elective courses in the regular curriculum. 2. Collaborating Institution Medical Students who are interested in experiencing global health filed can be dispatched to Dhulikhel Hospital and Kathmandu University in Nepal under exchange student program. 3. Activities and Output The JW Lee Center has opened several courses to foster human resources in the global health field (Figure 1). Firstly, a class of “Understanding Global Medicine” is an introductory lecture for the pre-medical students, giving them varieties of materials and information about global health issues. Students taking this lecture will be more interested in global health sector as an elective course. A required subject for medical students, named “Human, Society, and Medicine”, is a 3-day class, regarding international issues to motivate and encourage students to contribute to the global health sector. Secondly, an advanced course for 2nd & 3rd year students includes intensive group activity and voluntary research project of their each academic needs through elective course. There is also a further elective course for 4th year students. It was planned to give students the opportunity to go to a field study in a developing country. It offers exchange student program with developing countries through “Advanced Elective Course; Previous titled Medical Research” in the compulsory course for the chosen 4th year students, to know actual state of the field and to have a deep understanding. The curriculum for the medical students will be reorganized and continuously being updated through literature review and reflection activity by workshop with professors from the department of medical education and researchers from LJW center for Global Medicine. We expect that it will make more systematic and integrative educational programs for students who have an interest in global health and global medicine field. 4. Future plans and expectation The global health education course aims at enhancement of pre-medical students’ basic ability to overview health care from a global perspective for contribution to the developing country and to develop students’ global health research competence and their leadership through innovative curriculum. Students who will graduate after being educated as a curriculum with these advanced courses will be confident in working with in their international clinical field as well as international organizations; WHO, WFP, UN, and UNICEF. And it is expected to contribute to making a better world as great Korean doctors. As the world becomes increasingly globalized and Korean ODA(Official Development Assistance) is more developed recently, Global Health Education is getting more important in order to advance and develop health care field as a big part of ODA. JW Lee Center has introduced the course for global health in the curriculum of SNU, College of Medicine since 2014 to produce excellent experts of global health in Korea. 최근 국제화 추세와 우리나라의 공적개발원조 규모 또한 최근 크게 증가하면서, 보건의료 분야는 국제협력개발의 상당부분을 차지하는 분야로서 그 역할이 매우 중요해졌다. 이종욱글로벌의학센터는 우수한 국제보건 인력을 배출시키기 위해 서울대학교 의과대학에 2014년도부터 “국제보건” 과정을 도입하여 운영하고 있다. 본 사업의 목적은 의대생 정규 교육과정에 국제보건에 특화된 과목 개설을 통해 학생들에게 국제보건 교육의 기회를 제공하는데 있다. 이를 위해 국제보건에 관심 있는 의예과 학생들의 입문 수업을 목표로 전공 선택과목인 국제의학의 이해(Understanding Global Medicine) 개설하였으며, 본과 3학년 대상 필수교과목인 ‘인간·사회·의료’ 수업에 ‘국제보건’강의 개설을 통해 국제보건/의학 영역에 대한 동기 부여를 하는 내용으로 강의내용을 구성하였다. 또한, 본과 2학년 및 3학년 대상 선택 교과목인 ‘의학연구 2’와 ‘선택교과 3’교과목을 통하여 심화된 집중 교육 및 자발적 연구 기회를 제공하였으며, 본과 4학년 대상 ‘심화선택(기존 의학연구 과정)’ 과목을 통하여 개발도상국 방문 기회를 제공함으로써 실제 국제보건/의학 분야의 현황을 생생하게 이해하고 현지 의료인들과 환자 및 지역 주민들과의 인터뷰/현장조사를 통하여 향후 국제적인 리더십을 키우고 성장 동기와 기초적 지식 형성의 계기를 제공하기위해 노력하였다. 향후 체계적인 교육과정 편성을 위하여 수업평가 피드백을 적극 반영한 교과목 개선 작업을 계획 중에 있으며, 이러한 국제보건 교육을 제공함으로써 학생들이 국제적인 시각으로 건강과 보건의료를 바라볼 수 있는 예비 의료인으로서의 기본적 소양을 함양할 수 있도록 돕는 것을 목표로 한다, 또한, 학습자 중심의 혁신적인 교육과정을 통하여 국제보건 연구 능력 함양 및 차세대 리더십을 양성하는데 이바지하고자 한다. |
해시태그 |
#global health
#medical students
참여인원 |
참여기관 |